Location: Queijaria Fernando & Simões, Quinta do Anjo.
Program: Visit to the cheese factory, guided visit to the Venâncio da Costa Lima winery, with tasting of three wines and a Moscatel Roxo de Setúbal and tasting of artisanal cheeses (3 varieties) and Encharcada de Requeijão and Mírtilo.
Price per person: €35.00. Children (4-9 years old) €15.00.
Organization: Venâncio da Costa Lima.
Prior reservation required: enoturismo.vcl@gmail.com or +351 212 888 020.
Location: Queijaria Fernando & Simões, Quinta do Anjo.
Program: Visit to the cheese factory, guided visit to the Venâncio da Costa Lima winery, with tasting of three wines and a Moscatel Roxo de Setúbal and tasting of artisanal cheeses (3 varieties) and Encharcada de Requeijão and Mírtilo.
Price per person: €35.00. Children (4-9 years old) €15.00.
Organization: Venâncio da Costa Lima.
Prior reservation required: enoturismo.vcl@gmail.com or +351 212 888 020.
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Welcome to the Rota dos Vinhos da Península de Setúbal.
To browse this site, confirm that you are over 18 and accept the privacy policy.
Be responsible and drink in moderation.