A Land of Wines

An invitation to your senses



The region has unique natural conditions with the proximity of Natural Park of Arrábida and Natural Reserve of Estuário do Sado to practice activities that combine visits to wine cellars in direct touch with nature and heritage. The variety is remarkable.

The visitor can explore open spaces or different spots, perched on the back of a donkey, on a traditional boat, in a 4×4, or can simply go by foot. There are plenty things to choose from, including golf, diving, fishing or karting. Leisure time can be spent peacefully watching dolphins and birds, or in the scramble of paintball.

Visits to castles and forts, in Setúbal, Palmela and Sesimbra, to the palace of Bacalhôa and to cultural sites, like the Agricultural Museum of Quinta da Atalaia or the Azeitão Cheese Museum, are just some of the tempting options in this, a region with History.

The striking diversity of the countryside and culture is expressed in an equally varied gastronomy, capable of surprising the best-prepared and demanding of visitors. Each Council has its traditional dishes. You must try it!

All along the Península de Setúbal Wine Route visitors will find comfort waiting for them, to revitalize them. Accommodation to suit all tastes provides just one more motive for interest in this trip, which deserves a peaceful night.

Finally, the main reason for visiting the region – the wine! White, red, rosé or the famous Moscatel de Setúbal, the wine is one of the excellence products of the Península de Setúbal.

Travel into a privileged region and discover this land of wine

See our recommendations for local accommodation in our region.

See our restaurant recommendations in our region.

See our recommendations for tourist entertainment in our region.

See our recommendations for museums and wineries in our region.

See our recommendations for crafts in our region.

See our cheese making recommendations in our region.

See our recommendations for natural and built heritage in our region.

See our recommendations for tourist information in our region.


Turismo de natureza

Veja as nossas recomendações de alojamento local na nossa região.

campo de golf montado

Campos de golf

Veja as nossas recomendações de alojamento local na nossa região.

Rota de Vinhos da Península de Setúbal

Bem vindo à Rota dos Vinhos da Península de Setúbal.
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Seja responsável e beba com moderação.

Welcome to the Rota dos Vinhos da Península de Setúbal.
To browse this site, confirm that you are over 18 and accept the privacy policy.
Be responsible and drink in moderation.