Eno-tourism is tourism with wine...

Wineries, vineyards and related places that allow promotion of natural, cultural and architectural resources of the region.


The Península de Setúbal Wine Route was established as a private non-profit association that aims to promote wine tourism and enhance the wine from the Península de Setúbal. Is dedicated to the promotion of eno-turistic supply organization through the definition of activities and routes visit the territory, with the aim of organizing a distinctive tourism.

Of regional level, coincident with the Setúbal district, has as members in addition to the wineries, restaurants and accommodation, public and private institutions. Municipalities of Montijo, Palmela and Setúbal Regional Wine Commission Península de Setúbal and Tourism Authority Lisbon. A bank is also an entity associated with this project. Started in 1996 when the then Tourism Region Setúbal contact the Regional Wine Commission Península de Setúbal and Municipality of Palmela in order to formalize a protocol that integrates the area wineries in Wine Route. This protocol resulted in a series of investments in upgrading the infrastructure in the wine cellars.

In February 1999, it constitutes the Management Committee to coordinate the release of the Wine Route, coinciding with the opening of its headquarters – the Wine Route House, on June 1, 2000.

In November 2002 , born the Península de Setúbal Wine Route Association, aimed at coordinating the activities and manage the development of the Wine Route and Wine Route House.

The Association has as its object the promotion and defense of the wines IG Península de Setúbal and denomination of Origin Palmela and Setúbal, support for the promotion of traditional quality products, coordination of activities with the initiatives of organizations in the region , to promote correct wine consumption and exchanges with similar entities.

The Península de Setúbal Wine Route has a set differentiating elements, namely the Moscatel de Setúbal, wineries with dimensions and diverse offerings, geographic location and proximity of Natural Pak of Arrábida and Natural Reserve of Estuário do Sado, good accessibility to Lisbon and a whole tourism potential that the local region has.

Rota de Vinhos da Península de Setúbal

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Welcome to the Rota dos Vinhos da Península de Setúbal.
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Be responsible and drink in moderation.