The Santo Isidro Route
Average duration:
Distance traveled: 12 km
Route Type: Circular
Average duration:
Distance traveled: 12 km
Route Type: Circular
The route aims to show this territory of rural characteristics, whose natural and built heritage gives identity and uniqueness to the locality of Santo Isidro de Pegões, located in one of the vastest and most beautiful regions of Estremadura.
The trail starts at Largo Pereira Caldas, next to the old Parish Council building. From the beginning pannel and crossing the EN4, follow a distance of 100 meters until reaching Adega de Pegões. This former cooperative, the largest in the country, is today a modern and competitive wine cellar recognized both nationally and internationally, with numerous distinctions in Portugal and abroad. It is possible have a guided visit with wine tasting, upon prior reservation.
In front of the Adega de Pegões building, turn right to Avenida 25 de Abril, passing along the buildings of Casais de Santo Isidro, identity elements that recall the memories of the agricultural colonization of this region.
At the next junction, turning left, you will see the primary school, framed in the peculiar architectural complex, which includes the church, located a few meters ahead. Curious, the storks nest at the top of the bell tower. Nearby there are two buildings, of similar architecture, which used to be the residence of the parish priest and the teachers.
Possibility of taking a short break in the picnic area, resuming the route to the right of the church and then turning left. From this point on, the route takes on its natural aspect, plunging into the countryside on a road that leads to a horizon of eucalyptus groves between vineyards and cornfields.
The route continues on the right, after a white irrigation shed, following about 400 meters of road, with irrigated fields, to turn left between two agricultural houses.
At the overpass of the A13, the beautiful and dense Pinhal das Sesmarias appears, following the path on the left until you reach a fenced property. After walking along the path next to the fence, the route winds through the eucalyptus grove, passing by the ‘Holandeses’ Greenhouses. Continuing along the fence, on the main asphalt road, turn left and then right. The Pegões Dam appears 1 km after this point, a great place for a break and a snack.
Take the path to the arrival point, but now on the left. After traveling for approximately 1 km, you arrive at an extensive field of cultivation and again the overpass of the A13. After this passage, after 50 meters, highlight the Centenary Pine and the Fonte do Nico. Follow the main asphalt road, taking Casais do Vale da Vinha on the right. After 800 meters, one of the oldest Mães d’Águas appears, in the process of being restored. After reaching the asphalt, a visit to replenish water at the epic Fountain of Pegões and then resume the trail on the asphalt and reach the Adega de Pegões again. Passing the Church, the building of the old Parish Council appears again, giving the trail finished.
Curiosities about the places
It is a work undertaken by the Estado Novo, by the extinct Junta de Colonização Interna, in the late 40s of the 20th century. With the objective of promoting the population in the most inhospitable and wild regions of the country, simultaneously promoting agrarian reform, the project of Colónia de Santo Isidro de Pegões – the only one carried out south of the Tagus and one of the projects of the most successful genre.
The extinct Agricultural Settlement of Santo Isidro de Pegões is composed of an architectural ensemble, of patrimonial and architectural relevance, including the Church of Santo Isidro, the Agricultural Cooperative and the Casais.
In a project prepared by the agronomists Mário Pereira and Henrique de Barros, the project included three housing core, the so-called Casais, namely Faias, Figueiras and Santo Isidro. These settlements are contextualized in a time of strongly conservative ideology, adopting an official architectural style, inspired by models of the past and an idealized rurality. Despite the austerity and simplicity of the architectural lines, the 207 couples guaranteed living conditions, which were very uncommon at the time.
The Cooperativa Agrícola de Santo Isidro de Pegões, whose wine quality is internationally recognized, was established by a charter dated March 7th, 1958, as an essential infrastructure to support the Agricultural Development and Planning Plan carried out by the Internal Colonization Board. The project encompassed an area of about 800 hectares of vineyards, distributed among agricultural couples, on the estates donated to civil hospitals in Lisbon, by the great benefactor Dr. Rovisco Pais. The Cooperativa de Pegões received strong financial support, as well as technical and human resources, from the state sector during the first decades of its existence. Later, during the revolutionary period, it suffered a phase of occupation and disequilibrium, having gradually overcome its effects, through a systematic work of recovery and investments in modernization in the area of production, quality and distribution, with the objective of valuing the wines produced. Inserted in the wine-growing region of the Península de Setúbal, it is located in a privileged geographical area for the production of quality wines.
A Adega de Pegões (1), cuja qualidade dos vinhos é reconhecida internacionalmente, foi constituída por alvará de 7 de março de 1958, como infraestrutura indispensável de apoio ao Plano de Fomento e Ordenamento Agrícola executado pela Junta de Colonização Interna. O projeto englobava uma área de cerca de 800 hectares de vinha, distribuída por casais agrícolas, nas herdades doadas aos hospitais civis de Lisboa, pelo grande benemérito Dr. Rovisco Pais. A Cooperativa de Pegões recebeu do sector estatal, forte apoio financeiro e em meios técnicos e humanos durante as primeiras décadas da sua existência. Posteriormente, durante o período revolucionário, sofreu uma fase da ocupação e de desequilíbrio, tendo gradualmente superado os seus efeitos, através de um trabalho sistemático de recuperação e de investimentos na modernização na área de produção, qualidade e distribuição, com o objetivo de valorizar os vinhos produzidos. Inserida na região vitivinícola da Península de Setúbal, está situada numa área geográfica privilegiada para a produção de vinhos de qualidade.
Santo Isidro Route
This Small Route (PR) starts at Largo Pereira Caldas, next to the old Parish Council building. With informative signs it allows a safe walk along the marked trails, associating the discovery of the places with the wine notes that stimulate the senses, through a guided visit to the Adega de Pegões.
Name: Pedestrian Trail “The Route of Santo Isidro”
Location and Region:
Pegões, Montijo. Parish Council of the Union of Parishes of Pegões
Type of Route: Small Route (PR), Circular, Thematic, Pedestrian and Cycling
Pontos de Partida e de Chegada: Largo Pereira Caldas
Points of Interest
Wine Cellar: Adega de Pegões.
Nature:Cork oak forests, Vineyards, Pinhal das Sesmarias, Centenary Pine
Built Heritage: Colonato de Santo Isidro de Pegões, Fountain of Pegões, Dam of Pegões, Fonte do Nico.
Distance: 12 km
Duration: 3h30
Difficulty Degree: II (I -V)
Recommended season: Spring or Autumn.
Guided visit at wine cellar:
Reservation required
(1) Adega de Pegões
Useful informations:
Casa Mãe da Rota de Vinhos:
+351 212 334 398
Montijo Municipal Tourism Office:
+351 212 327 784
Recommended accommodations nearby:
Delmira Vineyard House (Fernando Pó) – 917 500 198
Humus Farm (Fernando Pó) – 265 103 316
Other recommended accommodations nearby:
A Serenada Enoturismo (Grândola) – 269 498 014
Amazónia (Palmela) – 210 878 520
Porta da Arrábida Hostel & Suites (vila de Palmela) – 212 337 090
Pousada de Palmela – 212 351 226
Quinta de Catralvos (Azeitão) – 212 197 610
Quinta do Piloto (Palmela)- 212 333 030
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