Moscatel De Setúbal Superior 10 Anos

Producer: Herdade Canal Caveira
Region: Península de Setúbal

Grape varieties: Moscatel Graúdo
Winemaker: Eng.ª Vanda Paz, Eng.º Rui Reguinga, Eng.ª Maria Caeiro

Alcohol: 17,50%
Capacity: 0,75 L



Minimum 8 years in old French oak barrels.

Tasting Notes:
Colour topaz. Aroma lush and complex with notes of dried fruit, rosemary and honey. Flavour sensation of greasiness and at the same time of great freshness, with a long and persistent finish.

Perfect with high-fat cheeses, sweets or to enjoy it on its own.




Rota de Vinhos da Península de Setúbal

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Be responsible and drink in moderation.