Moscatel De Setúbal Superior 20 anos

Produtor: Bacalhôa Vinhos de Portugal
Região: Península de Setúbal

Castas: Moscatel de Setúbal

Teor Alcoólico: 21,00%
Capacidade: 0,50 L



This bottling of the 1997 harvest is our third Moscatel de Setúbal Superior 20 years (the previous ones were 1983, 1995 and 1996): Barrels with the same harvest that will originate future bottlings (30.40 years,…) – 20 years

Tasting Notes:
Amber in color, with golden and greenish reflections, this Moscatel presents aromas of bitter orange jam (marmelade), earl gray tea, apricot, fig syrup, hazelnut, honey and vinegar. Sweetness balanced by good acidity and bitterness that refreshes the mouthfeel. Smooth, very long.

As an aperitif served at 14-16ºC. At the end of the meal served at 16-18ºC, with cheeses with intense flavors, with desserts (great combinations with chocolate), with coffee, and after coffee.




Rota de Vinhos da Península de Setúbal

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