Moscatel de Setúbal Trilogia 1900;1934;1965

Producer: José Maria da Fonseca
Year: 1900, 1934, 1965
Region: Península de Setúbal

Grape varieties: Moscatel de Setúbal
Winemaker: Eng.º Domingos Soares Franco

Alcohol: 18,20%
Capacity: 0,50 L



The crops that make up this wine have aged in used oak barrels.

Tasting Notes:
Color intense topaz. Aroma complex and great aroma intensity with notes of nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts and honey).
Palate complex, sweet and very prolonged. Final of tasting perfect combination of aroma and taste, typical of a Setúbal with these characteristics.




Rota de Vinhos da Península de Setúbal

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