


Recommended Accommodation

A Serenada Enoturismo

RIC 1265, Outeiro André, Sobreiras Altas
7570-345 Grândola
GPS: N 38º 11’ 54,00’’ O 8º 39’ 25,00’’
T: (+351) 269 498 014* (* Call to national fixed network)
reservas@serenada.pt | geral@serenada.pt
Category: Agritourism

A Serenada Enoturismo has dialy wine tasting.
Schedule: 4.00 pm-6.00 pm (provided bookings have been made until 2.00 pm of the same day).

Three wines (Private Selection White, Y14 Rose and Touriga Nacional Red. Value per person: 15,00€.
Three wines (Verdelho White, Gouveio White and Jaen Red). Value per person: 20,00€.
Four wines (Cepas Cinquentenárias White and Red, Y14 Rose, Y14 Red). Value per person: 25,00€

A Serenada may change wines of this wine tastings provided, they are replaced by wines of the same level, or superior.

Amazónia Palmela
Apartamentos Turísticos

Estrada Nacional 379-2, Sitio de Poços, Vale de Touros
2950 – 425 Palmela
GPS: N 38º 35’ 15,00’’ O 8º 55’ 03,00’’
T: (+351) 210 878 520* (* Call to national fixed network)
reservas@amazoniahoteis.com | recpalmela@amazoniahoteis.com
Category: Tourist Apartaments

Hotel da Barrosinha

Herdade da Barrosinha
7580-514 Alcácer do Sal
GPS: N 38° 21′ 43,6″ O 8° 28′ 49,8″
T: (+351) 265 623 142* (* Call to national fixed network)
Categoria: Hotel Rural


Delmira Vineyard House

Estrada Fernando Pó, CCI 2402
Fernando Pó
2965-545 Águas de Moura
GPS: N 38° 38′ 31,1″ O 8° 41′ 29.9″
T: (+351) 917 500 198* (* Call to national mobile network)
Category: Local Accommodation

Humus Farm

Estrada de Fernando Pó, CCI 2522
2965-565 Águas de Moura
GPS: N 38º 38′ 06,70”   O 8º 41′ 27,20”
T:  (+351) 265 103 316* (* Call to national fixed network)
Category: Local Accommodation (with independent houses). Gastronomic menus. Event space available.

Monte do Lago

EN 251, Olho de Bode de Cima
2985-001 Canha
GPS: N 38° 43′ 37.8″ O 8° 36′ 04.9″
T:  (+351) 932 180 015* (* Call to national mobile network)
Category: Country House

Porta da Arrábida
Hostel & Suites

Rua Contra Almirante Jaime Afreixo, n.º 123
2950-266 Palmela
GPS: N 38º 34′ 4,901” O 8º 53′ 59,25”
T: (+351) 212 337 090* (* Call to national fixed network)
Category: Local Accommodation 

Pousada do Castelo
de Palmela

Castelo de Palmela
2950-317 Palmela
GPS: N 38º 33′ 56,70” O 8º 54′ 07,00”
T: (+351) 212 351 226* (* Call to national fixed network)
Category: Historic Inn

Quinta de Alcube

Rua do Alto das Necessidades, 93, Quinta de Alcube
2925-055 Azeitão
GPS: N 38º 31′ 54,00″ O 8º 58′ 25,00″
T: (+351) 212 191 566
Categoria: Agroturismo

Quinta de Catralvos

EN 379
2925-708 Azeitão
GPS: N 38° 30′ 24.3″ O 9°02′ 38.2″ 
T: (+351) 212 197 610* (* Call to national fixed network)
Category: Local Accommodation

Quinta do Piloto

Rua Helena Cardoso, Quinta do Piloto
2950-131 Palmela
GPS: N 38º 34′ 03,50” O 8º 54′ 46,13”
T: (+351) 935 966 125* | 918 728 188* (* Call to national fixed  and mobile network)
info@quintadopiloto.pt  | enoturismo@quintadopiloto.pt 
Category: Country House

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