Designations of Origin

Península de Setúbal it is divided into three distinct designations of origin for wine production:

The wines of D.O. Setúbal are produced in a region bounded by the municipalities of Palmela, Setúbal, Montijo and part of the Nossa Senhora do Castelo, in the municipality of Sesimbra. They give rise to two types of Moscatel, white and purple, elaborated, from the grape varieties Moscatel de Setúbal e Moscatel Roxo. Península de Setúbal is a region that produces quality wines. Discover Setubal!


The geographical area corresponding to D. O. Palmela covers the same area as the D.O. Setúbal, including the municipalities of Palmela, Setúbal, Montijo and Nossa Senhora do Castelo, in Sesimbra.


The Setúbal Peninsula Geographical Indication covers the 13 counties of the Setúbal district, Alcácer do Sal, Alcochete, Almada, Barreiro, Grândola, Moita, Montijo, Palmela, Santiago do Cacém, Seixal, Sesimbra, Setúbal and Sines.

The variety of grape varieties and the heterogeneity of “terroirs” lead to the production of wines of outstanding quality and different characteristics.

Península de Setúbal

Discover the Region

Region with unique characteristics and unique production. Here making wine is a centuries-old tradition and tasting it is a pleasure.

1185, Foral aos moradores de palmela

In 1185, when Palmela received its first charter, attributed by D. Afonso Henriques, the first king of Portugal, in this region there was talk of vineyards and wine in the region, which confirms its winemaking tradition.

The Setúbal Peninsula has a total production area of ​​around 9500 hectares, with the largest wine-growing spot in the region in the municipality of Palmela, followed by the municipality of Montijo, the municipality of Setúbal and the municipality of Sesimbra.

An important vineyard area is located in the municipalities south of the district of Setúbal, Alcácer do Sal, Grândola, Santiago do Cacém and Sines.

Região vinícola

Rota de Vinhos da Península de Setúbal

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