Herdade de Pegos Claros


Wine Cellar

Herdade de Pegos Claros,
2985-120 Santo Isidro de Pegões
T: (+351) 265 898 557* | 936 857 784* (* Call to national fixed and mobile network)
GPS: N 38º 40 58,836″ O 8º 41 53,383″

Reception: With appointment. Need for prior booking
Timetable: Under reservation.
Approximate duration: Variable.
Welcoming languages: PT, EN.
Reception group: Maximum 10 people.
Price per person: Wine tasting carried out by the winemaker: price upon request.


Store timetable: Monday to Friday, 9.00am-12.00am and 2.00pm-6.00pm. Closed Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. 


Herdade de Pegos Claros is responsible for producing wines that are national and internacional references of what is best produced as DOC Palmela.

Pegos Claros wines have been produced since 1920, using traditional methods of manual harvesting, treading on foot, fermentation in an open wine press and aging in oak wood and exclusively from old Castelão vineyards.

The Pegos Claros vineyards are one of the most emblematic references of the DOP Palmela. Implanted in sandy soils, with no irrigated area and most of them over 100 years old. These factors together with the modus operandi in terms of viticulture and oenology, determine low yields in our productions and high quality in the final product. The vineyards of Herdade de Pegos Claros are about 40 herdade and are integrated in a total area of about 540 hectares whose occupation is predominantly forest: cork and pine trees exploited in a model of Responsible Forest Management by the FSC® system, as evidence of the concern for local natural resources (ecological, social and environmental).

Como chegar a partir da

Casa Mãe da Rota dos Vinhos

Para se deslocar da Casa Mãe da Rota de Vinhos para a adega Camolas deve virar à esquerda, descer a rua e virar novamente à esquerda em direção a Azeitão. Passa por duas rotundas, próximas da estação de autocarros, seguindo sempre em frente cerca 500 metros. A adega localiza-se no lado direito da estrada.

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